This is a topic that we have covered before but bears repeating. The best, most energy efficient, and cost effective solution to designing and building a building in SE Wisconsin is to go the pre-engineered route.
Redefining how we design and build buildings in Milwaukee
Improving Profitability through Sustainability
Going Green Without Wasting Green
Survey's taken of local executives and facility managers have found that many are interested in the idea of being "sustainable" or "green" but they are not interested in spending a lot to obtain those benefits. Many ideas offered up by the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) while inspired, are often far fetched and usually priced beyond the limits of those companies looking for the "Green" edge.
How to get the most out of a Pre-engineered Metal Building
Part 2 - Continuously Insulated Walls
The Energy Code for many States are becoming more stringent and that includes States like Wisconsin. There will become a point in the near future where the only way to meet these new and more stringent energy codes will be by incorporating some form of a continuously insulated wall system. Simply put, mee