Coffee Break with Anderson Ashton Design/Build President David C. Miller

In the most recent print and online additions of BizTimes Milwaukee, company President David C. Miller sits down for an interview with the BizTimes to discuss how Anderson Ashton Design/Build has soldiered on through the recent economic downturn, how our company is managing growth today, and a forecast of how our company plans to grow moving forward.

Excerpt from the July 9th article:

What will be your company’s main challenges in the next year?

“We will continue to operate in an environment marred by the uncertainty we and our customers feel due to the anemic economy and changing political situation. But with the Wisconsin recall elections over, we expect a boost in Wisconsin growth. Besides uncertainty, another challenge is the growing number of restrictions, codes and other obstructions to development that many municipalities and other governmental agencies have adopted. But we pride ourselves on our ability to negotiate our client’s project through these challenges and to truly be a client advocate.” 

